A screen grab of the Grimm Fantasy set in an Anthropomorphic Penguin World that is a shonen-anime series titled ‘Hidden in Antarctica’; A fierce penguin gladiator covered in scars, wearing spiked armor and carrying twin ice axes, roaring in defiance as they stand in the center of a frozen coliseum, surrounded by shadowy onlookers in a world where combat is life and honor is everything.+ use text --sref 72 --sref 1172
A screen grab of the Grimm Fantasy set in an Anthropomorphic Penguin World that is a shonen-anime series titled ‘Hidden in Antarctica’; A fierce penguin gladiator covered in scars, wearing spiked armor and carrying twin ice axes, roaring in defiance as they stand in the center of a frozen coliseum, surrounded by shadowy onlookers in a world where combat is life and honor is everything.+ use text  --sref 72  --sref 1172